Thursday 12 February 2009

Didn't manage a post yesterday. Not a good start to my blog! Having major building work done, which seems to have an effect on our ability to use the internet! Anyway, it seems to be working at the moment so onwards and upwards.

Had a second juice on Tuesday as planned. I found the whole experience a bit traumatic to be honest, not really hunger based trauma, just not quite ready to give up the whole ritual of the evening meal. So had a re-think for Wednesday. Decided to eat fruit all day and have a cooked vegetarial meal of some description in the evening.

Wednesday morning had a weigh in = 10st 4lbs. I will call that my starting weight, no goals, let's just see what happens.

I had during the day a banana, a pear, some dates and had salmon and brocccoli in the evening, all in all an easy day and I enjoyed it too to be honest.

Did a karate class last night which was totally exhausting but loved it.

Today I had some dates for breakfast and a huge pizza for lunch. Nothing since, don't need anytning to be honest.

I decided at the beginning of the week that I ought to begin to give a few things up in readiness for my fruit fast. So far this week I've refrained from eating meat, chocolate and sweets, to be honest not difficult, not ready to give up booze or crisps just yet!

Sorry if today's blog is a little bit all over the place, as I am at the moment. Now was probably a bad time to start my blog and my 'life changes' but, it's always a bad time!

Given my living situation, I would normally have used it as an excuse to drink and eat too much, but the blog is helping me I think not to fall into that trap.

Anyway, have managed to download loadsa inspiring podcasts. Anything I hear that I find particularly helpful I will post on here.

I know I said I was not going to do any more research. I thought it might be a good idea to perhaps look at the balance, or possible imbalance of my fruit fast. I think I may well face criticism from some people so need to be armed or at least prepared with any necessary nutritional information to back up what I am doing. It is not my intention to make myself ill, quite the opposite! I will as far as is possible make sure I am getting the nutrients I need.

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